Some Lesser-Known Facts About Chopsticks

The sleek sticks which are intricately associated with the oriental culture and especially when it comes to food, have a rich history. Chopsticks have been around since time immemorial and originated in China. They have since travelled around the world along with the cuisine. Mastering its use is an art and today, many Asian restaurants in Kolkata also offer chopsticks among the cutleries. To learn to use it correctly, exploring the various trivia and fun facts about chopsticks are like extra bonuses. Here are some of the lesser-known facts about chopsticks that will inspire you to master their use.

They are 3000-5000 Years Old

Chopsticks originated in China about 3000-5000 years ago. It is believed that the Chinese philosopher Confucius was the key figure behind its development. He focused on non-violent teachings and hence was inclined towards abolishing cutleries that can get associated with violence. Hence, chopsticks soon replaced knives and similar cutleries which he believed should not be present on a dining table.

There Were Taxes on Chopsticks

Around 45 million disposable chopsticks are used every year by the Chinese. Whereas the number is around 25 million among the Japanese. An average of 200 pairs of chopsticks are disposed of per year, per person. The number has been increasing rapidly leading to the introduction of a 5% tax on disposable chopsticks. It is an attempt to reduce the wastage of natural resources.

Associated with a Fear Named Consecotaleophobia

Some people across the globe suffer from an irrational fear of chopsticks whose reason is rather unexplained. The concept is so real that the phenomenon has earned inclusion in psychiatry and is named Consecotaleophobia.

There are Various Types of Chopsticks

The sleek and pointy design is common to all nations where chopsticks are popular. However, there are slight variations in the design which help to recognize the different types of chopsticks used in different countries.

The Chinese version is much longer than other countries and made of wood. The top is rounded and blunt. The Japanese use a shorter wooden version of the chopstick which comes with a sharp pointy tip. In Korea, the chopsticks are even shorter and are usually made of wood, plastic or metal and have blunted tips. The Vietnamese variant of chopstick is similar to China and are quite long and blunted. But they can be either made of wood or plastic.

They Allow You to Exercise as You Eat

Using a pair of chopsticks, the right way is actually healthy for your muscles and joints. When you are using a chopstick, 50 muscles and joints of your fingers, wrist, arms and shoulders are engaged.  The right technique takes some time to perfect and eventually it is like a workout routine for your hands. Studies even show that using chopsticks regularly reduces the risk of osteoarthritis in your hands.

They Were Used to Test for Poison

The royal families in China used silver chopsticks. In case the food is poisoned, it will turn the chopstick black which indicates the toxin. Hence, they were forewarned about plans of assassination. Today, silver chopsticks are more of a symbol of affluence and style and are often witnessed in superior Asian restaurants who can proudly boast “we do Asian right” for their eye for details.

Chopsticks Have Omens Associated with Them

There are a few superstitions as well that are associated with chopsticks. It has become such an intricate part of the oriental culture that, its positioning communicates different messages. One very popular idea among the Chinese is, holding the chopsticks upright is a symbol of a bad omen

Chopsticks are versatile and perfect cutlery for so many varieties of oriental dishes. With some fun facts on chopsticks, this sleek cutlery piece can now evoke your curiosity further and inspire you to incorporate them into your daily dining habits.